Explore all things athlete development and coaching education with the University of Denver women’s gymnastics coach Melissa Kutcher-Rinehart.
Following the 2019 winning season, Coach Rinehart breaks down the struggle of creating a team atmosphere amidst COVID, along with ways she works to improve as a coach. Jump into the mindset of teamwork, character, and excellence with this special guest.
For more on Carl Leland:
Carl Leland - Women’s Gymnastics Coach. (n.d.). University of Denver Athletics. Retrieved July 14, 2021, from https://denverpioneers.com/sports/womens-gymnastics/roster/coaches/carl-leland/232
For more on Daniel Ritchie:
Daniel L. Ritchie | Built for Learning | University of Denver. (n.d.). Denver University. Retrieved July 14, 2021, from https://www.du.edu/builtforlearning/profiles/daniel-ritchie.html
More on Gymnast Grace Broadhurst:
Grace Broadhurst - Women’s Gymnastics. (2019). University of Denver Athletics. https://denverpioneers.com/sports/womens-gymnastics/roster/grace-broadhurst/2584
To hear about the influential Joy Burns:
Nicholson, K. (2020, July 18). Joy Burns, first woman to lead DU’s Board of Trustees, dies at 92. The Denver Post. https://www.denverpost.com/2020/07/18/joy-burns-du-board-of-trustees-dies/
For more on the women’s gymnastics team at DU:
Stone, J. (2021, January 13). DU Gymnastics Ready to Embrace the Challenge Inside and Outside the Gym. University of Denver. https://www.du.edu/news/du-gymnastics-ready-embrace-challenge-inside-and-outside-gym
To hear about the success of DU gymnastics in recent years:
Stone, J. (2021b, April 1). DU Gymnastics Prepares for This Weekend’s NCAA Regionals. University of Denver. https://www.du.edu/news/du-gymnastics-prepares-weekends-ncaa-regionals
Jay Bilas - Toughness: Developing True Strength On and Off the Court:
For more on coach development:
Abraham, A., & Collins, D. (1998). Examining and extending research in coach development. Quest, 50(1), 59-79.
More about the history of collegiate women’s sport in Colorado:
Allison, M. L. (2002). The history of women's collegiate sports in Colorado: A comparative case study of administrative decision-making at the University of Denver and the University of Colorado at Boulder. University of Denver.
For expansive ideas on love vs. accountability in coaching:
Flett, M. R., Gould, D., Griffes, K. R., & Lauer, L. (2013). Tough love for underserved youth: A comparison of more and less effective coaching. The sport psychologist, 27(4), 325-337
Coach Kutcher-Rinehart’s philosophy of character, teamwork, and excellence:
Lumpkin, A. (2011). Building character through sports. Strategies, 24(6), 13-15.
Smart, D. L., & Wolfe, R. A. (2000). Examining sustainable competitive advantage in intercollegiate athletics: A resource-based view. Journal of Sport Management, 14(2), 133-153.
For more on leadership among student athletes:
O'Brien, J. (2018). Leadership Development Programs in College Athletics: An Exploration of the Student-Athlete Experience.
For more on caring for injured athletes:
Petitpas, A. L., & Danish, S. J. (1995). Caring for injured athletes. Sport psychology interventions., 255-281.