In this week’s episode of Sideline Meg and Dr. G interview Alison Foley, former head women’s soccer coach at Boston College, and the winningest coach in the history of the program, with fifteen NCAA tournament appearances. Coach Foley reveals some of the secrets to her successful career and how she helped set a new bar for coaching women in college sports. Meg and Dr. G discuss Coach Foley’s books and the writing process, and what practical experience and knowledge she used in their development. Not only is Coach Foley adept at coaching and writing, but she is also the CEO of Foley Athletic Advising and an Adjunct Lecturer in the Fitness Department at Regis College. Alison has a background in sport psychology and a Master’s degree in Kinesiology. Coach Foley offers insight into family life balance in sports, coaching women’s teams, leadership, and team-building strategies, and keeping kids in sports. Meg and Dr. G also ask for Coach Foley’s opinion on the Varsity Blues scandal. Tune in for more behind-the-scenes tips from Coach Foley.
- Coaching as a woman in sports
- Managing coaching and family life balance
- Parenting, coaching, and approachability
- The importance of family support
- Group-work and team-building
- The importance of being kind
- Environmental factors in athletic abilities
- Differences between coaching boys and girls
- Language and choosing words wisely
- Keeping kids involved in sports
- Bonding outside of practice
- Full-ride scholarships